Thursday, March 31, 2011

My First Baby - Isz Adam B. Iskandar ...

Sudently teringat lak masa first time preggy...masa dapat berita tu masa birthday my mum (17/2/2005) which is i baru 2 bln lebih kawin...huhuhuhuuuu cant say anything masa dapat tahu tu sebab masa tu my husband drop i dulu kat klinik (alamak nama klinik lupa) tapi kat cyberjaya la coz my husband kerja kat cyberjaya so dia cari parking.. Not so long waiting for the nurse calling my name then after the doctor buat pemeriksaan then i beritahu yang i demam badan lesu then she asked about period then asked me to gave the urain test..then after 5 min da dapat berita gembira...Masa tu my husband lom dapat parking lagi ....then dengan nak kata muka gembira ke, cuak pun ada macam-macam bercampur aduk terus ambil vitamin then terus keluar klinik and terus ternampak kereta ..terus masuk kereta then my husbant asked me about my check up coz dia ingat i demam..."Yang i'm pregnant!!" Dia terus peluk & kiss me and say thank you sayang I love U... he called my mother to wished happy birthday and terus beritahu pasal hadiah istimewa ...

So kenangan masa first preggy menyeronokkan about 3 month i tak masak semua my husband yang buat balik rumah jer tido tunggu my husband masak...kol 9 mlm baru makan sian penat my husband dengan kerja lagi, hantar i pergi kerja..balik ambil then sampai umah masak lak...So after 3 month da larat masak so ringat la sikit my husndand...tapi sepanjang preggy memang kerap berjalan boleh kata everyday balik kerja mesti keluar jalan malam balik untuk tidur jer...boleh kata every shopping mall we all jalan...every tempat makan we all try ..Yang tak boleh lupa my due date 3rd day of sebab nak sangat gi merayap kat Masjid India sanggup balik opis kol 3ptg my husband fatch me at my office we all gi jalan-jalan kat masjid india punyer la seronok....tak sedar da nak buka so apalagi bergegas nak cari tempat buka but fully book so terus balik rumah nak buka puasa kat kedai area rumah kononnya...tapi jammed so itu la kenangan paling menggelikan hati pun ada sedih pun ada first time buka puasa dalam kereta...kira semua first time la..:
- first time puasa dengan husband,
- first time preggy my first baby
- First time pergi berjalan-jalan kat masjid india
- first time buka puasa dalam kereta sebab stucked dalam jammed...

Tapi lagi best esok pagi nak warded malam tu boleh gi jenjalan kat buka kat Manhathan Fish Shop pastu sempat gi shopping barang raya..walhal masa tu baru 2 hari puasa bukannya dapat beraya pun berpantang tapi tak kira nak gak beli baju raya especially untuk baby la untuk mummy & baba dia lagi lah kan hahaha.....(tak payah le percaya sangat kata kalau preggy kena banyak jalan nanti bersalin senang..hermm xde maknanyer) I dari mula preggy berjalan sampai esok nak warded merayap lagi...

But this is makes every moment are very precious for me with my husband...

14 Oktober 2005 - Isz Adam B. Iskandar was born at Putrajaya Hospital 10:35am melalui pembedahan...
 Bersalin operation ni memang seronok takde rasa contruction..buka mata anak dah ada kat sebelah. Nak berpantang pun xde la susah sangat... For me lagi senang nak jaga badan semula sebab berpantang penuh dengan jaga makan & i pun takut nak langgar pantang sebab takut luka lambat kering...mcm i  lah langsung takde pengalaman labour pain..

After a week duduk dalam ward induce 4 kali tapi jalan still tak buka & langsung takde labour pain so terasa sangan boring & presure time ni last2 minta juga doktor operated..Memula doctor refused sebab takde sebab kukuh untuk minta operate tapi i bersungguh-sungguh gak minta memandangkan da over due seminggu so  doktor akur gak la hehehe....So pagi tu after bersihkan badan..makan macam-macam pil yang nurse beri..pil angin la, antibiotik la & satu lagi pil apa entah so tepat jam 10:00 pagi masuk dewan bedah & Alhamdulillah finally I dapat tenguk muka anak I Isz Adam..berat 2.71kg....masa operated tu i dibius separuh badan so a parts of process operation tu i nampak tapi masa doktor da mula toreh & keluar darah tu hehehe terus lelapkan mata...sedar-sedar da ada dalam bilik penenang masa tu dah kol 12 tghari...masa ditolak keluar nak ke bilik da nampak muka husband & other family members...yang agak sedih sikit my husband tak dapat teman i sepanjang i ditolak ke bilik bedah coz dia xsempat sampai pagi tu...

This is my first night wif Adam...coz masa hari lepas operate I tak sedar satu hari so malam pertama Adam wif my mother yang menjaga I di ward.

Adam selesa tidur sebelah I berpelukan so dia tak nangis even tak dapat susu..maklumlah first experience nak breast feed xpandai so terpaksa tunggu nurse so alternatif terbaik tak nak bagi baby nangis peluk dia sampai pagi....

Masa ni dia dah tak boleh tidur kol 3pgi...mata jer kelip-kelip suara takde.....tapi lepas tepuk-tepuk tidur semula sampai pagi...I pun letih sangat tertidur tak sedar nurse masuk bilik ambil Adam mandikan tetiba tersedar bila dengar suara Adam menangis sebab kena injection...

Now Adam da 6 tahun ..dah sekolah da pun - prasekolah seksyen 7 Shah Alam. He so sweet, tak lasak sangat sejak kecil lagi but now lasak gak la tapi yang tak tahan soooo talkative sampai tak larat nak layan. Ada aje benda nak tanya sampai kadang tu xmampu nak jawab.

Boleh kata sepanjang Adam ni kecil (mean sebelum masuk era sekolah) macam-macam hal dengan dia ni masuk keluar hospital 3kali ada rasanya..first sebab demam virus, so kat sana kena warded seminggu..then dhirea, usus lak bengkak sebab salah susu dia xblh susu berlectose..seminggu gak yg jadi serius sebab dia ada problem hernia so once dia kea dhirea then batuk so usus dia bengkak and lucky we cepat bawa ke hospital doktor dapat selamatkan..masa tu Tuhan aje yg tahu...doktor cakap nasib baik u cepat utahu tak anak you ni usus da berbelit dgn 'buah/ testis' OMG the doctor cepat-cepat masukkan air ak bagi kembang Alhamdulillah after 1/2 hour usus dia kembang then testis dia turun semula so tak payah operate malam tu.

Cukup umur 2 tahun dia dioperated ( memang da tahu la sebab masa lepas bersalin doktor pakar da inform pasal masalah adam then memenag every month ada apoiment dengan doktor) so on 24/1/2008 Adam selamat jalani minor operation and Alhamdulillah Adam sihat & lasak but at t he same time sangat manja.

Da ready untuk operation

Tertido lepas makan ubat antibiotik, ambil darah... (23/1/2008)

After keluar bilik operation...lemah lagi ubat biuspun xhilang lagi (24/1/2008)

Alhamdullilah da segar...dah nak discharge tunggu ubat dari pharmacy
kebetulan hari itu gak my birthday 25/1/2008

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

i wont share..

I wont share anything of mine wif sound greedy but this is reality. Once it hurting me i will never kept the horror memories comes out over and will be continue

Sometimes it was so proud to heard that your partner still have secret admire or people like him/her but sometime it hurting u especially when u keep listerning  the story about it...Feel like useless, meaningless, down, presure, sad and broken hearted!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our quality time together...

The most precious time when u are spend every quality time with your family. Tak perlu gi holiday jejauh or bercuti panjang pun tapi kalau every moment we share together it gonna be so precious form me. Now day iskandar at Lipis so the time to be wif him are quit limited plus his new schedule very pack..I'm lucky my new office are near by my parents house so i can send adam to school at morning before go to work and evening i can see adam & amanda. Dint have to separated anymore with my both kids. Even tired with my work, jammed and everything but i felt happy coz everyday both my kids with me..

This is Isz Amanda Bt. Iskandar...she 1year 6month

Iskandar Ishak...lovely husband of mine...

Isz Adam B. Iskandar he is 6year

Monday, March 21, 2011

Adib's first time act - theater siti zubaidah

Teater Siti Zubaidah was a Adib's first trial acting at theater field even as a 'pesilat' but i was a wonderful experienced not only for him even for our family...Last night (Friday - 9.00 pm) at Dewan Bandaraya DBKL we are watching theater. It is a first time experience sit on theater room, watched our family acting hehehehe...

All family include makcik, uncle, sufi, suria & anuar also came and give support to adib & also to the theater.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah & Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa

This two fevorate malay filem for me but Hantu Kak Limah is the most coz it is comidy filem and relift my stress. When i was stress i will think about usop charecter which is the most coolest charecter that i will never forget ever..the influence of hantu kak limah is everywere..everybody can remind every words especially usop, abi, pak abu & usin ..."nampak benor menipu" - usop... "hei...apa panggil nama orang mamalam ni..ingat kalau kome manusia gi jauh2 teman xhingin nak kawan tapi kalu kome setan iblis jangan lupa teman ada silat gayung..."- pak abu.... "kak limah..jom le tumpang moto teman ..dalam kampung jer xpayah pakai helmet..uish kak limah ni makin malam makin seksi.." - abi huraira..." awak da cakap, awk xde penapis...." - usop...and all those words from hantu kak limah filem.. too much can tell about hantu kak limah and cant wait to see hantu kak limah part 2...or other influents of hantu kak limah by mamat khalid

                                           "di suatu petang yang cerah..burung2 berterbangan..." - usop

                                                                     abi hurairah & husin..

                                                                        Husin & usop

                                                           " kita bako jer..." - usop

                                                                husin & cik nin

                                                         pak abu & pak jabit

Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa is an epik filem which is the first malaysian 'brandeb product' from KRU....

the heroin & hero of hikayat merong mahawangsa

Unfortunately the heroin for both filem is Ummi Nazerah...the pure malay beautiful lady!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Unrespect people

Well this all about people around..

Nowadays hard to find people who really know how to respect people... they always keep makes a joke with people weakness and deficiencies without think about people feeling. They always think that their the best. This kinda of people are so embarrassing, low minded and so offensive. They dint know how to present their personality wisely even dint know how to facing with the people with variety of status & personality. It's really show their weakness.

Their simply makes a rubbish jokes without think who their are facing are, where there are and what situation...their love to make laugh with other people deficiencies.  Always show the rude word when describe people, called people with obscene calls....erk

Their happy keep making people hurt with their words. Their satisfied if they can drop people integrity, always think bad thing about people & underestimated people based on their old back ground!!! If that happened to them then what will their do?

Some people are religious extrema love to find mistakes of other..huhuhuhu their think their good enough. Their use of religion & Al quran to worsen and hit the people around. Use tudung labuh but never show the tubung labuh attitude especially when their spell their words... some always show how good and respect their are to people around but at the sometime back to tell bad story about people, love to get the sympathy from people with their smooth spoken & care...came to people house with no polite at all, other show their bullshit face, act like innocent but at back like an devil....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It was on March 14, 2011...iskandar came to my office wif flower hehehehe to show how he happy with my new environment of work i guess...we having lunch together then he going back to his new place...i'm gonna miss u so muah dear and cant wait to see u next week.